“Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.”
Orhan Pamuk
My Credentials
The UK dog training industry is currently unregulated. That means that anyone can give themselves the title of Dog Trainer. I am not that person!
My name is Chrissie Hines and I have invested a lot of time and money gaining valuable practical experience and recognised professional qualifications.

- I’m a Certified dog trainer, in an unregulated industry. I graduated from the Victoria Stilwell Academy (VSA) with a distinction
- Behaviour and animals have both been life-long interests of mine. At University I graduated with a BSc in Psychology, the human kind
- Straight out of university, my passion for music and people led me to a 14-year career in the UK radio industry. I enjoyed working with animals of another kind, and my time in media is filled with wonderful memories
- In 2013 I left the corporate world to pursue my dream of working with animals, and founded my first company in 2013. This has given me several years of priceless experience, working daily, and out in the real world with a large variety of dogs
- I’m a member of the IAABC, and a professional practitioner who subscribes to the UK Dog Behaviour and Training Charter. This means I have agreed to uphold high standards of animal welfare and professional conduct
- VSA is one of the few academies that have been granted membership to the charter organisation, and this underlines my professional competence
- I am against any training methods that would cause fear, pain, anxiety or any painful, forceful or punishment-based techniques.
- Dog Smarts is committed to using the most up to date knowledge, and humane methodologies and tools